Monday, July 4, 2011

Blinded by the Beauty

Ray Charles  [click here for Audio/Visual]
moves in patriot's time;
with a full-tilt orchestral assist.

Sub-titles in Hebrew?

Franklin [left], Adams, Jefferson [standing].
Were any of the "Founders" Jewish?
Well, there was Benedict Spinoza. [we *must* admit / confess / affirm the philosophical influences of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams!]

Geometric Citizens
were Spinoza's hunch;
back in the day ----
like a tree ----
rooted in the soil of Liberty.
Please Curb your appetite for immigrant intolerance.

Recommended : Spinoza's most important work:
[Ethics Demonstrated According to the Geometrical Order (Ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata)]; written during his residence near Leyden.

But all are not thoughtful, astute, slave-owning, white men sporting wigs.  There was Eleanor Roosevelt ---- who pondered much about the promise[s] of America.

So much did she ponder; so much did she *do* she is immortalized; pensively shielded by the branches of an Upper West Side tree.
@ her park :                     

While appearances are often deceiving and fraught with rapid dangerous presumptions; she appears to be left-handed.  [She and I are in the minority!]

 Light up in honor of Native Americans and lasso the cowards whose hand is out for tax breaks but shirks her/his/their responsibility where  democracy's infrastructure
[e.g. education, global security, senior - state status] is @ stake..
 May Peace prevail on Earth.

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