Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Green energy

Jameson [] with_rocks.

Man from Cork be-deviled @ Grand Central.
Man/Woman : Hat_no Hat.        
New Orleans [center] meets New York City @ Michael Jordan's
Before hat.
After hat.
Under-stated Irish businessman [identity of long-neck : ???].

may the roads rise 
to greet you.
may the winds 
be forever;
@ your back.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

front_rear feline suspension

Go-Go Rex

 Wouldn't you like the option of diverting sharp-toothed; menacing monsters via the archway[s] of day skies?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bikes & other mosaics

@ eileen fisher 10% 4 [row ny]

@ Eileen Fisher's flagship Soho store; Laura Rice [Assistant Manager] conveys a graceful countenance demanded by the socially-conscious-driven event [Saturday, March 26, 2011].

Row NY was in the house --- Glasses were raised along the axes of athletic accomplishment, confidence and poise while a sampling of rowers [one is 'considering' Bryn Mawr] from Row NY  worked the vibe; the spirit of Eileen herself ---  Irvington's corporate; founding mother :

Be Strong. Be Bold. Be Smart.   .  . . . . . . . .  

Rowing brought me places.  [] Yes, there was the clipboard; with the cut and dry; stats, by the second.
but there was also, the within;  discoverable by relying upon my determined fortune and rower's righteousness --- perched above Weeks [] while a shell slides beneath.  paced hemispheres within;  power, grace, boundless by the bonds all oarswomen seek; each stroke.

Take a stand.  Buy local or online.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Freedom Manifests

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gendered Palette

Turn-around Time

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Revenue Generator

Held in the balance; trumpeter's hat sways @  point of deposit.